Here's to hoping no die-hard fans of John Foxx get upset with me
over this... There had been a remixing contest a few months back
in support of John Foxx' new album, 'Interplay'
with his band, 'The Maths'.

You were provided the stems to the song 'Shatterproof' and
were free to give the song your interpretation. My take on it was
to create a universe John had never actually occupied...

Yes, we would take him back in time and realize him as a sort
of 'Electro-Jazz-Beat-Poet'!
I thought it would be an amusing journey to see him and the band
mixing it up with what would have been their contemporaries
of the time. I had a blast putting this one together.
The band is composed of members, John Foxx, Benge,
Serafina Steer and Hannah Peel. They will soon be embarking
on a European tour and here's to hoping somehow, someway
we'll see them grace these shores.

Many thanks to Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso, Jack Kerouac,
Bob Dylan, Andy Warhol, William S. Burroughs and
designer Saul Bass for making their many cameos! LOL

Hope You Enjoy!