Sadly, I missed the deadline to an online videomaking contest
held by the esteemed Pogo. He's a talented musician I discovered
several years ago who has a wonderful knack for making me fall
in love again with films I've always held in high regard.
The contest called for a film to be made of his current track,
'Mellow Brick Road' which uses samples from the 'Wizard of Oz'
in ways you never imagined. The making of the film was a kick and
I enjoyed the process a great deal. Unfortunately inspiration on
what to feature in the video was lacking until the last minute.

I found a secret little place in the not-so-secret city of Los Angeles
that I thought would compliment Pogo's song quite well.
The Garden of Oz is a park within a private residence in the
Hollywood Hills. The lore has it that the only people who have access
to the area are the neighboring children who are sent a key
anonymously and are welcome to use the garden as their play space.
A key point in the garden's history was the blessing of the grounds
by 15 missionaries dispatched by the Dalai Lama himself.
"Oz" Author, L. Frank Baum lived in a neighboring
part of town not more than a mile away.
A key point in the garden's history was the blessing of the grounds
by 15 missionaries dispatched by the Dalai Lama himself.
"Oz" Author, L. Frank Baum lived in a neighboring
part of town not more than a mile away.
Another fun fact, at the foot of the gate to the garden's entrance
is a post box addressed to Oz. Through this box you are
encouraged to leave letters expressing your hopes and dreams
to the Great Oz himself!

Pogo has made music out of a great many of the films I grew up with.
His music is entertaining and fun to listen out for samples that one is already familiar with in such new and positive settings.

I suggest visiting his YouTube channel for a sampling of his works and
a glimpse into what must be an awesome film library.

Pogo's YouTube channel : http://www.youtube.com/user/Fagottron

Please check out the Wizard of Oz inspired video and music! Enjoy!
Here's a link to the video if the embedded one is chopped :
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